Clara Cosmetic Surgery

Clara Cosmetic Surgery

About the game - Clara Cosmetic Surgery

Clara Cosmetic Surgery is an addictive online game about Clara, a charming girl who has suffered a terrible accident that has drastically changed her face. The game invites players to take on the role of her surgeon, who is tasked with restoring Clara's beauty. The most difficult part of the operation has been successfully completed, and now it's time for the creative part. As her doctor, you will remove the bandages, repair her damaged teeth, and apply a mask to cover any imperfections. Once Clara's face is restored, the game allows you to choose her outfits and accessories so that she leaves the hospital a true beauty. This game is perfect for young girls aged ten and above who enjoy creative play.

Games like Clara Cosmetic Surgery

  • Doctor Games: A game that allows players to step into the shoes of a doctor and treat different patients with different ailments.

  • Beauty Clinic: A game in which players run a beauty clinic, offering various treatments to clients to enhance their beauty.

  • Princess Dentist Adventure: In this game, players become a dentist for a princess, fixing her teeth and making sure she has a beautiful smile.

  • Fashion Designer: A game that allows players to design and choose outfits for different characters, similar to Clara Cosmetic Surgery.

What are the advantages of playing Clara Cosmetic Surgery

Playing Clara Cosmetic Surgery offers several benefits. It stimulates creativity as players get to choose Clara's outfits and accessories. It also introduces players to basic medical procedures, fostering an interest in the medical field. The game encourages empathy as players help Clara regain her confidence after her accident. Finally, Clara Cosmetic Surgery is a browser-based game, making it easily accessible and free to play. It's a fun and educational game that young girls are sure to enjoy.